A specialist from the National Dermatology Clinic in Ontario: "Nail fungus affects the blood and causes necrosis. A solution exists, and its effectiveness extends to everyone!".
Here are some moments from the recent press conference of Doc Cleve Champlin in Toronto. Canada is considered by some as the "nail fungus capital" of the world.
Doc Cleve Champlin, one of the most famous health experts in an exclusive interview.

Why is nail fungus a dangerous disease?
Do you know how many people caught a fungal infection in ? A total of 55,000 people in Canada last year. 31,000 of them had excessive sweating of the feet. That's more than half of all those who fell ill. Nail fungus not only affects our toenails, but also penetrates the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body. The fungus destroys our body from the inside out and affects all organs. Tiny spores attach themselves to internal organs and multiply, causing pathology to develop. Therefore, vital organs are also affected by the infection. This means that the body rots from the inside. Anyone suffering from nail fungus has these risks. The immune system is weakened by frequent colds, and stress completes the dreadful picture.
For this reason, I see nail fungus as an extremely dangerous disease, responsible for many destroyed lives all over the country.
Why don't doctors treat this disease? After all, it is their job to save the lives of all those affected?
First of all, many patients do not go to the doctor at all because they underestimate the dangers of this disease. If you do go to the doctor, it is usually too late. Often the victims notice changes in their feet or toes. Of course, you will then receive a medicine that will act against this ailment and make it better. Unfortunately, most patients are not patient enough (for the sake of redundancy) and let their check-up go by, which makes the fungus spread unnoticed. Fungal diseases require constant monitoring, and few people are aware of the possible consequences for internal organs. I could tell you about hundreds of cases, but perhaps I would prefer to focus on those where the danger is particularly evident.
The external symptoms of the fungus can be treated quite well, but this does not reduce the fatal risk of infection.

Many clinics are also under-resourced at the chronic level. There are often few doctors specialised in fungal infections in the regions. In addition, at least 37% of the population has no access to dermatological services. More than half of all staff do not meet the required qualifications. I doubt very much whether the staff is able to give the correct diagnosis and effectively cure a fungal infection. Sometimes it would be even better if the person would stay at home rather than see a doctor in the hospital. We are forced to hire under-qualified staff because we are suffering from staff shortages. Of course, the employees are qualified, but they have very little experience and a great deal of responsibility. Older doctors are retiring or simply dying, while young doctors have no chance to gain their experience and knowledge. Medicine is now under severe stress and there is simply no time to treat every patient properly. I would like to see more qualified medical staff, but it is very difficult to realise.
Are the high incidence rates of fungal infections in our region a result of the inexperience of doctors?
This is certainly one reason, but not the only one. There is also a shortage of really effective medicines. Pharmacies like to sell whatever is available, but this, unfortunately, helps little. Old medicines are useless, and even the new medicines, although they promise miracles, but, unfortunately, give nothing. Prescription drugs are not much better. Although they temporarily relieve the symptoms, often the liver or stomach is so badly infected that it leads to really negative side effects on health. Most drugs do not treat the fungus properly. They alleviate the symptoms, while the fungus remains in the body and causes the patient to suffer.
In private clinics, the situation is not much better. They are usually staffed by inexperienced doctors who know very little about diseases and treatments. They have one goal: to get as much money from the patients as possible, and there is no interest in really helping them.
What should people do? As an experienced doctor, how would you solve this problem?
Of course, I don't just sit back and do nothing. Unfortunately, I alone cannot solve this problem. This is the task of universities. I cannot train new doctors. So I would not expect big changes soon. In other regions, the problems are very similar. We are all in the same boat.
And yet there is a glimmer of hope. There are new discoveries that help fight nail fungus. Canada is taking part in a major project testing an innovative product that fights nail fungus and can eliminate fungal infections in the body. The project will be launched at the end of , but Canadians can try the treatment now before other regions have access to the remedy.
Why do you think this formula will make a difference?

The product can completely destroy the nail fungus, eliminating the external symptoms and relieving the whole body. Patients feel really relieved when using the product. The blood circulation as well as the internal organs are freed from the fungus cells, so that the infection, recedes.
In my opinion, this product can save thousands of lives. So I did everything I could to convince the authorities to provide our region with this tool on a trial basis.
What brand is behind this product and why is it so effective?
As of today, it is the most effective compound for fungal diseases. I am talking about a state-of-the-art product called SkinBiotixMDgo. Unlike most other drugs, it was developed by independent researchers in the US. This product is ten times more effective than conventional remedies and treatments. At the same time, it has no side effects, is not addictive and helps the body to cope with the fungus, which significantly reduces the risk of a recurrence of the infection.
The secret of efficiency lies in some characteristics of the human body. Nail fungus is so resistant because it attaches itself to the body's tissues. If the usual medication is no longer taken, the fungus reappears. Another problem is that the immune system cannot fight the fungus itself. At best, it can only slow down the development of the infection. A weak immune system cannot prevent the rapid growth of fungus, which sooner or later leads to the deterioration of health.
SkinBiotixMDgo helps the body produce antibodies that destroy the fungus throughout the body. This allows the body to get rid of the fungus. The production of antibodies continues even if the product is no longer used. The reaction to the fungus increases tenfold, and a second infection is considered almost impossible. With a single treatment, SkinBiotixMDgo eliminates the fungal infection and prevents complications.
Why is SkinBiotixMDgo more effective than other popular drugs for fungal infections sold in pharmacies?
Fungi are living organisms that, like all other living things, adapt to their environment. Most drugs were developed 20-30 years ago. During this time, fungi have developed resistance to these drugs. Thanks to this innovative formulation, fungi can be eliminated both externally and in the body.
Its effectiveness was studied and tested at the US National Institute of Infectious Diseases. The results showed the high effectiveness of SkinBiotixMDgo against fungal diseases.
SkinBiotixMDgo neutralises the infection by destroying fungal particles in the blood and internal organs. As a result, the infection in the body does not spread, leading to a complete recovery. All traces of the disease are eliminated, and the patient can live a full life again. In addition, the body develops immunity to the fungi, which does not allow the development of reinfection.
This formula has a truly beneficial effect on the body:
1. Eliminates fungal infection
2. Relieves skin irritation and itching.
3. Rapidly regenerates nails and heals wounds and cracks.
4. Eliminates unpleasant odour and normalises sweat gland function.
5. Prevents the reproduction and growth of pathogenic organisms.
6. Normalises the immune system and helps to cure chronic fungal diseases.
7. Blood and lymph nodes are cleansed of fungal residues.
8. Helps the body to fight against the most common fungi.
9. Prevents re-infection.
Relieves all symptoms of fungal disease rapidly and without side-effects.

Are there any restrictions on its use and why is the product so heavily discounted?
There are no restrictions on use. The formula is suitable even for allergy sufferers. The gel can be used even if there is an allergy to other medicines. It is harmless to the liver. It is harmless to the liver, which is usually exposed mainly to per os medications.
Regarding the second question: as I said, the formula was developed by independent researchers and produced in independent research centres. Production is quite expensive. If the SkinBiotixMDgo formula were owned by a major pharmaceutical company, the drug would be offered at a much higher price. This discount is designed to give all patients the opportunity to finally do something beneficial for their health. If you order the complete treatment with SkinBiotixMDgo you will get a 50% discount. The offer is limited.
How can I buy SkinBiotixMDgo? Do I have to show any identification to obtain a prescription?
The only condition is that you must live in Canada and be at least 25 years old. SkinBiotixMDgo is delivered directly from the warehouse by post. It would be a mistake to distribute the product through retail outlets. We don't want people to stand in long queues. In any case, the sick are already suffering enough, and it would be terrible to make them wait. Nobody wants stress. It is much easier to order a product online.
Fill in the order form on the website to have your order behind your door in a matter of few days, and to finally get rid of this annoying and embarassing problem. : SkinBiotixMDgo even promises a 100% satisfaction guarantee - if you don't get the wanted results, you get your money back! There is nothing to lose.
It is recommended to apply product directly on the area of concern for best results. --
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OKMe too! I received SkinBiotixMDgo and used it immediately. The effect on the skin and nails is noticeable and noticeable!
I am very grateful for all the information about this product. I have been looking for a solution to help me for so long. I can't wait for the delivery. Thank you!!!
Thanks, Dr. Champlin! I've tried it and I feel much better. Let's see how it goes next week. It's too early for final conclusions, but I'll let you know. My toenails look better!
Antonio, don't worry. Just keep using
SkinBiotixMDgo. Just follow the instructions.
Best wishes, Doc Cleve Champlin
Help me, my people! I have nail fungus, and I don't know what to do. It hurts a lot and it looks disgusting. I can't live a normal life anymore and I've tried everything, but nothing works for me 🙁
Megan, try SkinBiotixMDgo. It is really effective and it works. I also had athlete's foot and felt crippled. I was completely devastated, but my mum found SkinBiotixMDgo and recommended it to me. She ordered five boxes for treatment a month ago when this medicine was still offered for with a discount. I use SkinBiotixMDgo for 3 weeks and still have enough left to use for 3 more weeks. The whole treatment takes 2 months. I cut my affected nails and a little bit remained on the nail of my big toe. I hope that this week it will all go away. I also tried everything, but only this worked for me.
I also have put some SkinBiotixMDgo gel inside my shoes, so the fungus has no way of showing up.
Xander, just fill in the form above. Hurry up with the order while offering a discount. This is a very good tool
The result simply exceeded my expectations. My legs look like they did 20 years ago
It's really amazing medicine, everyone should try it! I was sick of it too and I was so tired of the fungus on my foot! I couldn't wear sandals and I was so embarrassed. With SkinBiotixMDgo it was all gone in 6 weeks, no more foot fungus!
It's very cool! My wife and I used this compound when we detected this infection. So far it has been very good and our family is living again without fungus! We can go back to the sauna
Wow, apparently I'm not the only one with this problem. But I got lucky and started being treated SkinBiotixMDgo a month and a half ago and the nail fungus went away. I've tried many other drugs before, but only this one is really good (and fast!) gives results.
Tell me, does it really help? I've tried some medicines before, but they didn't help.
Chloe, if it helps, don't hesitate. The compound is natural and effective. Order it quickly while there is still a discount! My mother-in-law used to use it and now she even prays for SkinBiotixMDgo!
Thank you very much! SkinBiotixMDgo helped me and very quickly too. I ordered it clearly from the manufacturer. Don't delay with the treatment so you can get rid of the infection as fast as possible and avoid complications!
Thank you, Dr. Champlin! Without you, I would never have discovered this remedy! My toenails kept bending and hurting. I tried a special varnish and some pills, but it all helped for a while. With SkinBiotixMDgo I feel really good. I've been using it for 4 weeks and will use it for 3 more weeks.
My order, by the way, arrived quickly.

Christine, I am very happy for you! Which medicine did you try before
SkinBiotixMDgo nail fungus remover
Best wishes, Doc Cleve Champlin
I tried Exoderil and Lamisil and another creams and sprays. However, nothing helped me...
The results still exceeded my expectations, after 8 weeks, my toenails were normal again! I ordered the product for my friends.
I caught the fungus while serving in the army. I tried many drugs, but they were all useless. And so I learned from a doctor friend about SkinBiotixMDgo and bought it at a discount and immediately used it on my nails according to the instructions. The treatment lasted six weeks, and I still some gel left.
I ordered it here and received a call directly to confirm the order. Now I can finally go back to the pool in sandals:)
My husband suffered from a fungal infection for 3 years and it was a real nightmare. His nails turned very yellow and the smell was terrible. First, he tried drops, then a nail polish. I don't remember exactly the name, but it didn't help. She already wanted to give up, but a friend advised her SkinBiotixMDgo Look what she has achieved in only 4 weeks.
Chris, as far as I know, pharmacies always sell medicines at a high price. How dare they steal from us like this? We have to fight against this problem.
I've been trying to get rid of the fungus all these years. It's no use. Then I tried SkinBiotixMDgo, which is named in this article. Two months later, I was cured. If only I had known about it before.
Sarah, unfortunately, developing an effective formula takes a long time, but better late than never! Now everyone can treat their fungal disease.
When I read this article, I had to order this product immediately. All conventional remedies don't work in the long term and I almost wanted to give up any treatment. However, I ordered SkinBiotixMDgo and was positively surprised, thank you so much, I can finally live a normal life!

Where did you guys order it? I couldn't find any pharmacy and I don't want to order online. I really want the original product to work.
Again: SkinBiotixMDgo can be ordered ONLY from the manufacturer. To receive the original product, just fill out the form.
The compound is very cheap with 50%
discount, so hurry up! And stay away from fakes!
Best wishes, Doc Cleve Champlin
My fungus disappeared in a month, thank you so much!